Konrad Polthier at vismath
Film: MESH
This animated feature film takes you on a ride into the world of discretization and its history. Nine entertaining chapters take you on a ride through the development of discrete geometry and its everyday applications.
Besides explaining these methods, “MESH” itself was created using modern computer graphic.
Papercraft Model: Set “Discrete Minimal Surfaces”
This set contains three patterns for discrete minimal surfaces. They are surfaces of minimal area which occur naturally, for example in soap bubbles. There are different ways to define minimality but in some sense each of these surfaces is minimal.
Papercraft Model: Set “Easy-Peasy”
This set of paper craft patterns contains five geometric forms which can be crafted with very little effort. This set is managable for children aged 5 and older.
Our paper craft patterns are high-quality color prints on 120g high-white ecofriendly paper.