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Happy Cubes

The idea of the Happy Cube puzzles is easy: Six special pieces have to make up a cube. This may seem easy but don't let the simple task fool you: Assembling a cube with these shapes can be very tricky.

And if you managed to build a cube try to assemble the pieces in their frame – another task full of pitfalls. But don't worry, testing out how the pieces fit together will lead you to the solution. Especially kids are eager to put the soft and colorful pieces together.

Happy Cubes come in four different levels of difficulty. For every level there are six different Cubes available. Combining Cubes from the same level gives new challenges and more fun!

Especially for kids the combination of haptic aspect of puzzling in three dimensions and creating a three-dimensional cube poses a nice and playful training of hand-eye-coordination and visual thinking. Since trial and error leads to the solution there is no frustration in playing with any Happy Cube.

If you have completed your Happy Cube and the 2D and 3D challenges you are still far from done with your Cubes. Combining up to all six Cubes of one level makes for new adventures:

3 Happy Cube Missions

Three Cube-Missionen: 2D-Puzzle, 3D-Puzzle, and 3D+ combining more cubes. Every Set of Cubes contains one of each color.

The colorful puzzle pieces encourage kids to play and puzzle. The simple task keeps them engaged and they start thinink strategically about the way they put the pieces together. Be part of it!