Documentaries at vismath
Film: Clouds are not Spheres
This film tells the story of the life and work of Benoit Mandelbrot. A great innovator and discoverer of the Mandelbrot set and fractal geometry, Mandelbrot is a highly respected mathematician. Here, he tells his story about finding fractals and creating a new way of geometry.
Film: Colors of Math
To most people math appears abstract, mysterious, complicated, inaccessible. But math is nothing but a different language to express the world. Math can be sensual... Math can be tasted, it smells, it creates sound and color. One can touch it- and be touched by it...
Film: Hard Problems
“Hard Problems” follows the six exceptional high school students who represented the United States in 2006 at the world's toughest math competition — the International Mathematical Olympiad IMO. Each year, the grueling and exhilarating contest pits the top teams from 90 countries against one another.
Film: Is God a Number?
The universe as we know it is made from star dust which originated when stars collided millions of years ago. How high is the possibility of this collection of star dust to form the world we live in today? How nature works today seems like the work of a creator.
Film: Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem
A one-hour biographical documentary, Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem tells the story of an important American mathematician against a background of mathematical ideas.
Film: N is a Number
A man with no home and no job, Paul Erdős was the most prolific mathematician who ever lived.
Born in Hungary in 1913, Erdős wrote and co-authored over 1,500 papers and pioneered several fields in theoretical mathematics. At the age of 83 he still spent most of his time on the road, going from math meeting to math meeting, continually working on problems. He died on September 20, 1996 while attending such a meeting in Warsaw, Poland.
Film: The Colours of Infinity
Arthur C. Clarke takes us into the world of fractals. We learn about their discovery, their fascinating properties, and about the people who use them. Fractals have been discovered in the 1980s by Benoît Mandelbrot who is also interviewed in this movie.