Flatland 2: Sphereland is an exciting half-hour animated film adapted from Edwin Abbott's classic novel, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimension and Dionys Burger's Sphereland. The movie stars the voices of Kristen Bell, Danny Pudi, Kate Mulgrew Tony Hale, Michael York, and Danica McKellar.
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Following the story of the movie Flatland, Hex is still trying to figure out, how many dimensions there are. When she meets Puncto they embark on a journey together which leads them to three-, four-, and even five-dimensional discoveries.
- Director
- Dano Johnson
- Author
Dano Johnson
Seth Caplan - Genre
- Animated Movies
- Tags
- Dimension
- Duration
- 35 minutes 58 seconds
- Year of Release
- 2013
- Languages
- English
- Subtitle/Caption Languages
- English
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